Surrey County Council manage admissions on our behalf, if you would like to apply for a place at the School please go through their website here. If you do not have internet access, you can contact them directly on 0300 200 1004


In-year Admissions

In-Year Application Form

Guidance on applying for a place out of the correct year group CLICK here

Guidance on admission of children from overseas CLICK here


Admission Policies

Please click on the links below to view our Admissions Policies or alternatively you can find them further down the page.

Admissions Policy 2023/24

Admissions Policy 2024/25

Admissions Policy 2025/26

Supplementary information for children of staff



If you have been unsuccessful in gaining a place at Guildford Grove Primary School and you wish to lodge an appeal, please visit the Surrey Schools Appeals website at for further information.

Click on this link for the School Admission Appeals Timetable

The Surrey Appeals Service administers the appeal process for Guildford Grove Primary school. Alternatively, please call the Surrey Schools Appeal Service on: 0208 541 9029 to request appeal papers.


Surrey County Council Co-ordination Scheme

To read full details of the Surrey County Council Co-ordination Scheme for the current academic year, please click here.


Contact us

If you have any queries regarding admissions please contact:



The Local Authority to contact with regards to Admissions is:

Admissions & Transport Team
Telephone: 0300 200 1004